North Trees Sports Institute is an International Sporty Lifestyle Promoting Institute.

We offer high quality services and programs to individuals, educational institutes and organizations to increase physical activity, exercising and sports all around the world.
Physical Inactivity is a global health problem and one of the leading risk factors for death world wide. Our programs are planned to increase overall physical activity, exercising and sports and to improve individuals biomechanics and ergonomical aspects of individuals. Tailored functional training programs includes physical therapy exercises and based on personal needs. #physicalinactivity #physicalactivitypromoting

MoveUrKids and MoveUrStudents programs are made to increase individuals physical activity during the school day and them free time. It is important to adapt physically active lifestyle since childhood. Physically active children crow physically active adults. Healthy active citizens are safe on medical expenses. Physical activity improves overall well-being and reduce risk of many health problems and diseases. #moveurkid #moveurstudent #healthysportylifestyleathomeprogram #physicallyactiveschoolprogram

We work in co-operation with Fight and Smart educational Jiu Jitsu program and offer it to international markets. Jiu Jitsu is an amazing form of exercising and sports and overall its works for self-defense too. #fightandsmart

North Trees Sports Institute physiotherapy and sports clinic Athletes Therapy offers physiotherapy, sensomotoric coaching and sports coaching and educational services for beginners, athletes and professionals. #athletestherapy

We offer TOP quality Finnish education to answer 21st century challenges. We are able to provide high quality educational services from work shops to degree programs from top 3 ranked and leading educational exportation universities from Finland. Our programs, curriculums and part of the programs will be tailor made to fit your exact needs. We are experiences to work all around the world with different languages. #finnisheducationexportation

NTSI-social projects is focus on to improve physical activity and support sports all around the world. Our goal is to help athletes in all level to have opportunity to train and compete. #nothtreessportsinstitute #NTSIsocialprojects #sports #athlete
